If you have vehicle valuation questions, or just need a little help selling a car online, here are the most frequently asked questions about selling your vehicle to Cardiff Car Buyer

Q: Who is Cardiff Car Buyer ?

A: Cardiff Car Buyer is a trading style of The Penarth Motor Company Ltd.

Q: How does it work?

A: 1: Enter your vehicle’s registration number into our website

     2: Provide us with as many details about your vehicle such as, service history, MOT and   mileage that you can.

     3: Give us any additional extras or features that your vehicle has fitted, giving us an honest assessment of your vehicle’s condition.

Q: I cannot find my vehicle after I have entered the registration number on your website?

A: The probable cause is your vehicle is not of UK origin (imported) or your vehicle is over 25 years old.

Q: If my vehicle doesn’t run, will you buy it?

A: We do not but non-runners.

Q: Does your valuation change?

A: Our valuations are valid for a 14 day period.

Q: Will my valuation change after your inspection?

A; Only if your description differs at our inspection that you will be present at,, so you will have an opportunity to discuss it with a buyer.

Q: What does “Subject to Inspection” mean?

A: We always carry out an on-site inspection of a vehicle before we confirm the purchase. If we consider that its value is affected by any aspect of its history or condition, including any unusual feature or customisation, which was not disclosed to us when we gave the online valuation, the price that we offer for it will change from the online valuation.

Q: Do you charge any Fees?

A: No

Q: Will you clear my finance?

A: Yes, but if your settlement figure exceeds the valuation of your vehicle you will have to pay the difference. You can do this by Chaps Bank Transfer, Debit Card or Credit Card.  There is a charge on Credit Card transactions. Please ask for the charges before you use this method. We accept all major cards.

Q: How do I make an appointment?

A: Following our valuation if you are happy and wish to proceed, a representative will contact you and arrange a mutual appointment at our site in Bawtry, Doncaster. Inspections off site are normally considered but in certain circumstances can sometimes be arranged.

Q: What do I need to bring with me?

A: Two forms of identification please. One must be an original photo identity such as a passport. You must also provide a proof of address; accepted forms include a utility bill or council tax letter dated within the last 90 days. Please be sure they must match the name and address on the logbook. Both sets of keys for your vehicle  if available. The valuation provided assumes you have 2 sets of keys for your vehicle unless you told us otherwise via the condition assessment. Please note if this is not the case and you only have one key for your vehicle the price we offer you after inspection may be reduced for this reason. It’s important that all service history and MOT certificates are with the vehicle. Bank details for an account in the name of the registered keeper. V5 Registration Certificate which must be registered in the name of the current keeper. If the V5 registration certificate is still in the owner's maiden name, you will need to bring a copy of your marriage certificate. If the vehicle has any finance outstanding we will require a letter with the settlement figure from the finance company.

Q: How long will the process take?

A: Usually not more than 30 minutes.

Q: If you purchase my vehicle do I leave it with you?

A: Yes once the funds have been transferred to your bank we will expect the vehicle to remain on site. A member of staff will take you to a local train station if you have not made other arrangements.

Q: How does the financial transaction take place?

A: Once the price is agreed we will make a chaps (electronic) payment into your accounts and provide you with proof of payment. The money will appear in your bank as cleared funds within a short period depending your banks electronic clearing system which varies slightly from bank to bank.

Q: Can I change my mind after the transaction has taken place?

A: No it is not possible to do this once the funds have changed hands.